Tryouts for volleyball will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday after school for any girls who are interested in grades 5-8.
Sign ups for cross country will also take place next week for all boys and girls in grades 5-8 who are interested in joining the team. Students should pick up packets from Ms. Presmyk. We still need coaches for co-ed flag football and boys soccer. If we don't have any additional coaches, we will not be able to host teams this fall. Please sign up here if you can help coach either of these sports. Keeping our students safe is the most important priority for Bell School and our district. Bell will be sharing some new safety procedures with families via the Blink and at curriculum night. In addition, please see this letter from Chief Janice Jackson to learn more about what we are doing to keep our students safe and support our families. The letter is provided in English and Spanish. We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, September 4th!
Registration for the 2017-2018 School Year Archives
August 2022
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