Parent ForumThe Parent Forum is a monthly meeting open to all Bell parents, hosted by members of the Bell Administration team, and facilitated by Bell parent Emma Petersen. Items discussed are those of interest to the entire Bell community, such as playground policy, Common Core Standards, and after-school programming.
Meeting dates and times are posted on the Bell School website calendar; the time varies in order to meet the needs of our diverse parent body. Monthly meetings are typically held either on a Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. toward the beginning of the month, or on a Thursday evening at 6 p.m. prior to a LSC meeting. Parents attending these meetings occasionally take on special projects to improve school systems. Meeting summaries are reported at LSC (Local School Council) meetings, posted on the Bell website, and published in the monthly Bell Link. For questions or concerns, parents may contact the Bell Parent Forum team. Parent Forum Archives |